The night I got stranded in Kyoto, the weeping willows charmed me more than the Sakura. I watched the streets crawl out of bed and join me greet the large crows. My eyes nestled on a fluffy one’s matching winter coat. Led by the screeching subways, I lead the way past the bridge away from a Family Mart’s jingles. The trains filled at 6:40 AM reminded me of the temple night and day with the club. The fleeting city trickled the compartments empty. The stragglers tickled my curiosity. Did they wonder about my journey or did I imposter their lives wandering? I questioned my life cycling in the ptptptptptptptpt of rain towards the fshfshfshfshf of waves. The night ended with falling off a bike hearing opera. The day started with falling asleep. - Sappy

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