Other Sources of Funding

Creative Washtenaw
  • Type of Funding Available:Emergency fund for artists, creative workers, organizations and businesses in Washtenaw County. Applications are accepted from those in the arts + creative industries facing economic, health or social crises.
  • Description: Creative Washtenaw Aid, started as an emergency fund during the COVID-19 pandemic, has morphed into an ongoing emergency fund for artists, creative workers, organizations and businesses in Washtenaw County. The aim is health and vitality for the sector. We'll get there by supporting each other and working together.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for Interdisciplinary Student Projects + Research
  • Description: Awards are up to $1500 for projects. Project must be interdisciplinary (involving more than one discipline), with art as a primary focus. This may include projects that involve visual arts, design, architecture, literary arts, theatre, dance, film, performance and music. A wide spectrum of involved disciplines is encouraged (i.e. engineering and dance; biology and music, etc.). Project component funded by ArtsEngine must be realized by June 2023. Project should demonstrate campus and/or local community impact. Projects are expected to be student-led, although faculty and staff can participate as team members.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Projects + Research
  • Description: Arts Integrative Interdisciplinary Research (AiiR) Grants support graduate student research projects that integrate the arts or design with other disciplines, especially those in engineering and the sciences. Individual grants up to $3,000 can support existing research efforts as well as new areas of inquiry.
  • Type of Funding Available: Project-based grants for student organizations
  • Description: ArtsEngine supports student organizations through frequent, small (up to $250) project-based grants, especially those that are being pursued by interdisciplinary student organizations or are themselves interdisciplinary in nature.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for Graduate
  • Description: Rackham provides and facilitates many different scholarships and grants to eligible students. Opportunities highlighted on their website range from large competitive fellowships that pay tuition and stipends, to targeted grants that assist with foreign language study, dissertation research, and conference travel, to emergency grants and awards designed to help students manage student loan debt.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for student organizations.
  • Description: LSA Student Government provides group funding for student organizations registered with SOAS.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for undergraduates and graduates, individuals or student organizations.
  • Description: Student Academic and Multicultural Initiatives (SAMI) gives funding for academic multicultural exhibits or presentations. Awards range from $0-$2000 for groups and $0-$1000 for individuals.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for graduate and undergraduate individuals.
  • Description: Students must fill out a FAFSA form and qualify for financial aid OR apply for/receive a scholarship. Students must attend UofM at the time and use the funds during the term. The Office of Financial Aid also provides directives to outside, private funding for UofM students.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for U of M registered student organizations.
  • Description: The Grants Committee will provide funding support for programs intended to empower and build community in underrepresented or marginalized communities, with emphasis placed on race/ethnicity. Maximum funding available per organization is $2500 per semester or $5000 per academic year.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for graduate organizations.
  • Description: RSG does not fund class projects, or travel, but it will fund other grad-related events. Additional information is required for food and honoraria costs.
School of Art & Design
  • Type of Funding Available: Undergraduate or graduate individuals and undergraduate or graduate groups.
  • Description: There is no set amount to funding. Review their website for more information on specific funding opportunities.
  • Type of Funding Available: Eileen Weiser EXCEL Fund
  • Description: The School of Music, Theatre & Dance offers its students EXCEL funding, which is meant for student orgs, projects, events, and programs. See the website for different types of funding available.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for UofM FTVM majors & Global Media Studies minors.
  • Description: The Department of Film, Television, and Media offers a variety of awards to FTVM Majors and Global Media Studies Minors focusing on the following areas: scholarly research and writing; media production; screenwriting; internships.
  • Type of Funding Available: Funding for students.
  • Description: Each semester the Engineering Student Government allots a limited portion of its budget to funding allocations. ESG seeks to fund the requests that most effectively improve the lives of engineering students campus-wide and will grant up to $5,000 in total funding. Please check ESG Funding Guidelines for more information.