October 2017: 200 Words

Congrats to Ana Lucena, winner of our 'Michigan in 200 Words' competition! The votes have been tabulated for the As I See It Literary Competition on the theme 'Michigan in 200 Words!' Students wrote to tell us about their Michigan Experiences, and Ana Lucena's entry, "Blossoming Wile Growing My Thorns" came in first place! We received hundreds of votes online. The finalists are shown below with information about their authors.

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First Place: "Blossoming While Growing My Thorns," by Ana Lucena. Ana wins a $200 Literati Bookstore gift card and some Arts at Michigan swag!

Second Place: "Untitled," by Nur Sarah Shuhaizan . She wins some Arts at Michigan swag!

Third Place: "Wherever You Go" by Ariana Yea. She wins some Arts at Michigan swag!