Filipino American Student Association


The Filipino American Student Association (FASA) is a student organization at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor whose mission is to celebrate and spread awareness about the heritage and experiences of Filipinx and Filipinx Americans. Through our three main pillars of culture, community, and outreach, we strive to create a welcoming environment where members can explore the Filipinx American culture, build lasting friendships, and share their cultural identity with the greater community.

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Accolades Awards

Project Gallery

Philippine Culture Night (PCN)

November 18th 2023
Andrew Ramirez, Filipino American Student Association (FASA)

Philippine Culture Night (PCN) is FASA's signature event and biggest cultural show of the year. A semi-formal to formal banquet-style event, its primary focus is to communicate, cultivate, exemplify, and celebrate Filipino culture and identity. PCN provides a space to engage in insightful discussion of Filipino culture, as well as a means for Filipino to celebrate and be proud of their heritage, empowering individuals of the Filipino American community. The event allows Filipinos to connect their heritage primarily through Filipino performances but also food, language, and attire. There is also a strong educational component of PCN. Both Filipino and non-Filipino attendees are educated through music, singing, dance, spoken word, speeches, and conversation.