Student Org Support

How can we support your Student Arts Org?

The Arts Initiative supports student arts orgs with publicity, funding, and guidance in their important role in the Michigan arts community! The Student Arts Org HUB is a feature on our website designed to connect you with that support. Tell us how we can help you! Questions? Contact us at


Looking for funding to bring your org’s plans to life? Student orgs can apply for grants to support student-produced theatre productions, literary magazines, exhibitions, dance performances, short films, concerts, and more.
Apply for a Student Mini Grant! Student Organizations and individuals can apply for project-based funding of up to $1000 per project.
Find other funding sources- Visit our funding page to check out our list of other funding sources available for student arts projects.


Connect with your peers- Student arts organizations play a major role in the U-M Arts community. We work to help build that community through a number of community-building initiatives.
Attend a Student Arts Org Gathering to connect with the Arts Initiative and with your peers in other student arts organizations.
Participate in our Student Arts Org Summit, where we bring together student arts leaders to connect, learn about resources, and listen to your communal needs so we can advocate on your behalf.


Tell us what your organization is doing, and we'll help make sure other students know too!
Submit events for inclusion in our Arts Info email, which goes out to thousands of subscribers each week.
Looking for new members or promoting an audition? Add to your org's mailing list and we'll help amplify your message.
Our [art]seen blog features student-written reviews of art events like concerts, plays, and exhibitions. Let us know if you would like your event considered for a review!


Get your org featured- The Arts Initiative has events and opportunities for student groups to perform and engage.
Performance opportunities- Every August we hire student groups to perform at our annual kick off event at UMMA. Let us know if you would like to perform next year!
Passport to the Arts- We feature student org events on our Passport to the Arts vouchers. If you are interested in having an event featured, email us a month before your event to let us know you’d be interested.
Partner with us- Have ideas for events or programs that you would like to partner on? Let us know!


The Accolades Awards recognize outstanding achievements in the arts each year by the many extraordinary student arts organizations on campus, with awards in music, theatre, dance, comedy, community arts engagement, publication design and more.
Nominate your org in February/March to be considered for awards.
Get out the vote! Encourage your community to vote in April.
Winners receive funds for their organizations, plus other great benefits!


Need some suggestions about… where to look for a rehearsal space? Check out our room reservation guide. Where to find funds to print your next publication? Visit our funding page. Need ideas for marketing your organization? Visit our marketing resources page. Or guidance on another issue you’re grappling with? We can try to help!
Email us at Arts Initiative staff would love to meet with you and help you figure things out.

Questions? Contact us at