This week I would like to talk about something that relates to a cause I write about often. I went to the birthday party of a bartender that I know here in Italy. He works at a Gay bar and the party was at a club called Cassero. The Cassero is, during the day, the seat of the LGBT rights foundation here in Italy, called Arcigay. It is a great foundation that does so much for the community, including this really great birthday party. This week’s post is about the spectacle put on by the friends of Massimo, the bartender, and by members of Arcigay.

As in any gay venue in the U.S., there were drag queens, fabulous drag queens. They sang a few great songs, mostly Italian but also “Our Day Will Come†by Amy Winehouse. It was so beautiful. I love when the queens sing, because they sing in their masculine voice and it is so surprising and fantastic every time I hear it. And their outfits were so perfectly chosen for the occasion, they could have been called art-fits.
What I really like about the night was the performance of “Vogue†by Madonna. Madonna is a common subject in the community here, even more so than in the states, because she is Italian, as I’ve been told many many times (Also in this category is Lady Gaga). I knew all this. What I didn’t know, however, was that Italians knew how to vogue. It is a huge part of American gay culture, but I didn’t think that it translated to over here. But it did. Six performers were onstage going through pose after pose. Arms spread out, then hugging torso, then behind the head. Perfect hits every time. This was actually the first time I saw vogue-ing live, so it was even better. For those who don’t know, vogue-ing is a dance style developed in the gay ball communities that focuses on poses from its namesake magazine. Each beat is a different pose. The dance requires a certain amount of poise and elegance while also needing attitude, speed, and accuracy. For more info, you could watch the documentary “Paris is Burningâ€. It’s fantastic.
I know that seeing people vogue in a show isn’t what you expect to read from an art reviewer living in Bologna. I feel like it’s actually really strange. But this is an art form that is still thriving throughout the gay community all over the world. I also spent the week looking for apartments, so I didn’t have the chance to find something of great mention; though I know that here it isn’t difficult. Good news though! I found a great apartment, and the roommates are all musicians!! So I’ll always have something to write about! Really though, I’m excited to move and I’m already making some great friends. Someday soon we’re going to an Italian opera here, and maybe a ballet. I’ll definitely be writing about them. I also might try out for this play here in Bologna. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Tanti Auguri!
Danny Fob
Your Wolverine Abroad Blogger
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