Everywhere I turn I see myself. Well, not exactly. The popularity of reflection/illusion/kaleidoscope photography has been more prevalent than ever. The symmetry, the identical composition, the  trippy shapes are all interesting factors that play into the attraction that is literally of opposites. Professionally this artistic style of enhancing images has added interest in the photograph. From the aspect of fashion photography and selling garments, this double-view is a cheap way to market clothes more than once.  The image below caught my attention because of the way the center of the image branched off to the left and the right, creating this butterfly-woman rocking a white, lace jumpsuit. I’m a closet fashion photography lover (well not really you can catch me in Barnes and Nobles devouring a Vogue any day), and what I’ve noticed throughout time is the standardized composition and atmosphere coming from fashion photography (not including certain amazing photographers). I believe this resurgence of photo-editing and the illusion photography is a great way for these images to add interest and more sales.
I’ve also come across the everyday use of reflection in photography. The photo-editing applications for smartphones has made it so easy and fun to make reflective images of your personal photographs. In the everyday market, this style of doubling your own images puts you at a different level than other images. From Instagram, to Tumblr, to Pinterest, the sharing of images is all about their popularity. Who has the cooler shot? Â Who can get the most likes? This mindset brings people to want to download apps like that of reflection photography, so we have something new and unique to present to the people we know.

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