
I’ve been a blogger here for all four years of college. It’s given me a chance to see some cool shows, review a lot of music, and post disconnected thoughts. So thanks, blog. And thanks to all my readers out there, nobody. To sign off, here’s a song and a podcast and an upcoming event–three types of art I wrote about most over the past four years–for your pleasure. It’s been good, arts@m. thanks for listening.


Because new Kendrick is everything that ever needs to be:


Because Jake and Amir and Thomas are the funniest people I know:


Because these four ladies are rad-tad-dynamite-fist-waving-firecrackling-awesome:


Alex Winnick

Alex is a senior at Michigan. He studies English, environmental sustainability, and methods of being funny. He enjoys riding his bike, drinking cold water and tutoring. He would like to see a world in which everyone helps each other as much as they possibly can.

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2 Comments on "Farewell"

9 years 4 months ago

You are such a great author, I really enjoy read your post because each has useful and valuable information. I wish you luck wherever you now. And we can meet again in other places or chances. http://telkomuniversity.ac.id

9 years 4 months ago

So sad to send you away, thank you for all the great articles you’ve ever posted