Why We Need Gun Control Now

At this point, gun control isn’t a choice–it’s a necessity. We talk about gun control, but the debate seems to only pop up after a mass shooting and fade away thereafter. Since 2012, the number of mass killings has proliferated, yet no real effective legislation has been passed. Every student, teacher, and staff member deserves to feel safe in their own schools.

In the wake of the horrific Parkland shooting, teenagers across the country have taken to campaigning for gun control reform. Notably, the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have been outspoken in the need for new reform that will prevent future mass shootings in the United States. Some conservatives tout the Second Amendment and refuse to solve the problem supposedly “caused by mental illness.” But since when is the right to own a lethal weapon more important than children’s lives? Bipartisan legislation has been slow if anything at all. It was also shocking to learn that the FBI ignored reports and clear warning signs to follow up on the shooter, Nikolas Cruz, who then went to kill 17 and injure many more.

Students who are taking action after being directly involved in such a traumatic incident calls for great courage, and I applaud that. It is certain that we need stricter gun laws now, including more thorough background checks, and abolishment of high-caliber automatic weapons. Gun control doesn’t have to do only with public mass shootings, but also with domestic incidents and suicides. Of course mental health reform is another issue. Thoughts and prayers are not enough–they won’t solve what’s already happened or prevent these incidents in the future. We urgently need gun control. If only the government would feel the same way.

Learn more about gun control and how to take action at everytown.org.


Student at the University of Michigan studying Art & Design and Communication & Media, hoping to create meaningful design for social impact. Every week I highlight an intriguing artist (or group of artists)!

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