A Rainy Game Day

I hate being outside in the rain. I think rainy days are meant for curling up in a blanket and spending the day reading a good book. Or watching a movie, safely inside, not getting soaking wet. But for some reason I choose to spend this rainy and cold evening at the football game.

I knew there was an 100% chance of rain, yet I still wanted to go. Maybe because it was a new experience for me, maybe because I had nothing else major going on this weekend, maybe because I didn’t think it would really be that bad.

So there I was two hours before the game, getting ready to go. I piled on six layers (I get cold easily) including my rain jacket and headed out the door, ready to tackle the challenge of facing the rain.

The game was great! It was the first time Michigan actually played well from the start in my opinion (granted I’m definitely not a football expert). Plus there was a ton of energy since we were playing a pretty big team (Norte Dame). But it wasn’t long until the rain somehow soaked through my rain jacket and six layers of shirts/ jackets. So my friend and I left after the first quarter.

This actually ended up being a great decision, because I got the best of both worlds. I got to experience part of the game live and enjoy the school spirit all around, and then when I got back to my dorm room and out of my wet clothes, I watched the rest of the game on my computer, curled up in a blanket just how I love to spend my rainy days.

Sometimes it’s great to get out and do things with a group, but it’s also good to know when it’s best to do things your own way. I’m glad I ended up going to the game because it was really fun. But I’m also glad that I knew when to leave and watch the game how I wanted to, because after having a pretty difficult week, last night made it end on a high note, despite the rain.


Hi! I’m a freshman in the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, studying Theatre Design and Production. I’m so excited to be studying something that combines my two biggest hobbies: theatre and art. But when I’m not doing either of those, you’ll probably find me reading, exploring the outdoors, or taking a nap. Follow along with my college experience through my blog posts. Thanks for reading!

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2 Comments on "A Rainy Game Day"

4 years 6 months ago

always prepare but rainy not came

5 years 3 months ago

No hat? No hood? Girl, you gotta be better prepared!