Hey y’all! I graduated today, kind of. Here are my thoughts about it.
Also, check out the Stamps Commencement website here and see all of the fantastic projects made by the class of 2020 (including mine!!!). A lot of people worked really hard to make pieces for a show that would never happen and it would be cool if people could check out their pieces.
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4 Comments on "Marge Makes Comics #32: Class of 2020"
Is this the end of this strip? or will you continue making it in a new venue? I’m gonna miss Marge!
Hey Marge here! I won’t be making new strips for arts ink, unfortunately, since I’ve graduated. However! I am planning on making weekly comics elsewhere or on my instagram; I’m taking a few weeks off drawing for rest so I can’t say when they’ll start or what they’ll entail at the moment, but this is certainly not the end of Marge Makes Comics!
Although your start in the “real world” might be a bit delayed, you are already deploying your amazing talents online, and you are already a creative voice (and a cartoon!) that people need to experience right NOW! The world is weird, but I know you’re going to navigate it with creativity–and help the rest of us to navigate it as well. Thank you for creating your amazing strip! And Congratulations on your graduation from UM!
Congratulations Marge! You have always been a remarkable and creative young woman! Your future is bright despite the lack of light at the end of the tunnel! You are going to continue to rock this world!!!! Mrs. B!!