Antidote to Apathy: As the Leaves Fall

There’s this interesting point in autumn where I forget that the earth is temporarily dying because I’m entranced by the bursting, almost blooming colors of the leaves. I’m trying not to deny myself the pleasure of enjoying autumn. I’m trying not to condemn it to my hatred because I know it’ll bring winter. My walk yesterday was uncommonly beautiful, and I want it to move me. This first installment of the podcast “Antidote to Apathy” explores how we can love things, even with the knowledge that they may end, and that they hold the power to hurt us. Though the leaves may die, my love can still last. And there’s something really beautiful about that. I want to hold onto it. It’s a small antidote against apathy.

Fareah Fysudeen

An English and Philosophy student trying to find her way in this big, big world. Aspiring writer, scholar, showtune belter, ardent hater of tomatoes.

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4 Comments on "Antidote to Apathy: As the Leaves Fall"

4 years 4 months ago

This was heartwarming; thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

4 years 4 months ago

I love this! And autumn. Thank you for sharing your perspective on the beautiful season and how it relates to other things about the world around us.

Makkiya P
4 years 4 months ago

Absolutely loved this :))

Carrie Hicks
4 years 4 months ago

Saw a link on twitter and I’m glad I clicked- this is a beautiful reflection on autumn. And life. And love.
I just love it so much!