Chapter 3

Hello! This week I took pictures of my day on Thursday, March 7th, as a piano performance major. 


I started the day with my Theory 140- Aural Skills Class. We focused on the Cadential 6/4- chords that usually appear at the end of the music that outlines the dominant scale degree. The dominant of a key is the fifth note, and the cadential 6/4 uses it to lead into the ending (cadence). Additionally, in this class, we sang chord progressions to highlight how each chord resolves. 


I then had my weekly lesson with Professor Harding. I continued to work on Chopin Ballade No. 3. This is one of my favorite pieces to play because there is so much intensity and beautiful moments. I also find it amazing how the lessons I learn in my theory classes start to apply to my pieces when I think about chords and notes. 


I headed  over to central campus for my French class. I had an exam today about travel preferences. 


I went back to the School Of Music to attend studio class, a weekly class featuring performances from other piano performance majors. This week, I was the first one to play. I performed Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in G Minor from Book 1. While I was a little nervous, I am glad with how I performed. 


I finish my day with practicing. Earlier today, I took a picture of the geese in the water while entering the School of Music. It was raining, but I found this moment so beautiful. When playing my pieces during my practice time, I thought about this image and incorporated the beauty of it to my playing.

Hannah Park

Hannah Park is a sophomore economics major with a piano performance minor. Captured Moments is a series in which she shares the intersection between photography and music, where each photo evokes a fresh perspective on the importance of the arts.

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