Capturing Campus: Soulful


Autumn leaves in piles

at your feet I smile

whisked up in the chill

of bare tree limbs

regal in poses

possessing the spirit

with promises of apple cider

and cinamon sticks

knitted sweaters

with kaleidoscope jewels

and amber sap

on sticky fingers

finding their way to

comfort in decay

an annual dance

of those bewitched 

by western winds

Fortunate are those

with the autumnal soul

Capturing Campus: November

Parking Lot

I miss parking lot you
the you that dashed on concrete
raced in grocery carts
the you that laughed
until you cried
the you that always knew what to say
to ease the angst

I miss the feeling
of beautiful hurt
like pushing on a bruise
or twisting a tooth
with the tingle and ache
that made me fall for you
without stopping

I miss parking lot you
that I’ll never meet
for the first time
or the last

TOLAROIDS: Halloween

Spookiest gallery you’ve seen this weekend