Capturing Campus: the Forest

the Forest

there are whispers in these woods

they call 

to me Breathing 

sweet nothings

born from blackberries

and figs The promise of purpose 

pomegranate seeds 

mashed by molars

mystifying It’s alive 

and breathing

though the exhale doesn’t 


and the air has runs

and the lungs don’t 

e x p a n d

between trees 

the metallic clicking 

a painful 

gurgling The mouth of the forest 

opens wide

stealing air  



from my soul

o u t s t r e t c h e d am I

doomed to the final moment

a death rattle

Capturing Campus: Soulful


Autumn leaves in piles

at your feet I smile

whisked up in the chill

of bare tree limbs

regal in poses

possessing the spirit

with promises of apple cider

and cinamon sticks

knitted sweaters

with kaleidoscope jewels

and amber sap

on sticky fingers

finding their way to

comfort in decay

an annual dance

of those bewitched 

by western winds

Fortunate are those

with the autumnal soul

~Sappy Daze~ Day 5

Have Some Manners

Being witty can be kind of 
shitty, but being shitty is not 

witty. Someone not witty, not 
necessarily shitty, is a dumbass.

Someone shitty, not necessarily 
witty, is a smartass. I know that 

being dumb is bad and being 
smart is good. Still, I’d rather 

be a dimwit with shitty wit, than 
be a witty shit, who’s a piece of shit.

- Sappy

Capturing Campus: Nosebleed

Content warning: mentions of blood, profanity


I see red

smell pennies

am I bleeding out 

my nose

or just my eyes 

adjustments are needed

contact lenses or otherwise

I’m woozy

walking somewhere

my legs will carry me there

there is where i will go

I don’t know where  

the world’s blurry

behind fluid-tinted glasses

how funny it is 

that my body can’t contain itself

in lungs or lifeblood

the capacity to

spill over the side

and to want to

pluck reds from strawberry bushes

bell peppers come from bushes too

but you don’t see people picking them

because who’d eat a bell pepper

when life’s dripping

and you’re bleeding all over the fucking carpet

~Sappy Daze~ Day 4


I like to swear. I swear 
I’m not bad or uncivilized.
I swear I’m a proper lady.

I swear on my life.

Hear me out: a knight who does not swear
is no knight. All knights must swear an 
Oath of Fealty for chivalrous conduct.

Here’s my oath: Oh my Lord, 
sweet Jesus Christ: I swear to 
you. Hear that? I swear to God!

I swear I only swear to prove that.

- Sappy