After arriving at the unknown planet currently known as Ellea, Milo and Ed spot a robotic creature–similar to the ones that the previous meteor released. Not only does the creature catch their attention, but also the eerie deep holes on Ellea that seem to contain tubes filled with liquid, spinal cords, and robot parts. The tubes seem to resemble the projects SALV Corp has been working on–the production of SALV robots to protect humanity. It seems like Milo and Ed are not alone, as two mysterious figures spy on them from a distance.

+Author’s Comment+

I am back! I just want to clarify that the name Ellea doesn’t mean anything, I just thought it sounded cool. 😄 Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas; only three more days of 2020 left!

Follow my Art Instagram Account: @kats.art.folder




Acknowledging the special and inseparable bond Milo and Ed have, SALV Corp. commands the duo to explore certain planets that may answer more questions about the most recent meteorite (also named by SALV Corp. as the 42nd Fallen Star) that has brought people to fear due to its differences from the previous meteors. The two are getting ready to explore the unknown planet that may be related to the 42nd Fallen Star.

+Author’s Comment+

About 18 days until Christmas, hope that everyone finishes the semester strong. (!!!)

My Art Instagram Account: @kats.art.folder




After the radioactivity of the meteorite waned and the mysterious robotic creatures were extinguished, SALV Corp. started to investigate the area. The meteorite left major destruction on the city, leaving many worried and anxious. Milo is watching from a distance, as he senses something bigger and more threatening is on the way.

+Author’s Comment+

Hope everyone had a restful fall break. 🙂

My Art Instagram Account: @kats.art.folder




Not a lot about the meteorites are known, other than the fact that it is a harmful space rock caused by natural means. However this one is different from others; the space rock collapses into two, releasing many menacing and destructive robot-like creatures. This exceptional meteorite may be a special stepping stone for humanity to discover the secret behind the mysterious meteors.

+Author’s Comment+

Have a great fall break, everyone!

Follow my Art Instagram Account: @kats.art.folder

+KHAOS+ EP.4: Other Half II



Ed, the Unit 3 SALV, is undergoing the SALV&H Project where Ed is tested to see if it is fit to safeguard humans from any kind of danger, especially the deadly meteorites. In this project, Ed must keep Milo completely safe while defeating the ten dummy robots that are specifically programmed to target Milo. The test is successful, and Ed is now officially Milo’s SALV robot.

+Author’s Comment+

Hi everyone! Hopefully, your weekend was fun and restful. I’ve got used to drawing these weekly illustrations, and now it’s one of my favorite things to do throughout the week. Stay safe everybody!

Follow my Art Instagram Account: @kats.art.folder

(I follow back 😀)

Hidden Gems: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

If you’ve never heard of the band before, their name alone might cause some hesitation, but I promise you that King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is the perfect example of a hidden gem. The Australian rock band was first formed in 2010 and has slowly grown a cult following with their bizarre and experimental rock music. They’ve been a breath of fresh air for the stagnant rock genre by exploring new musical territory with amazing success. More impressive than their musical range is their commitment to concept albums with authentic instrumentation and gripping narratives. I’ve mentioned in the past how concept albums hold a special place in my heart; they’re the perfect example of how different artistic elements can be incorporated into one project. They usually feature thoughtful narratives over multiple tracks, musical themes and callbacks throughout the album, and a unique aesthetic that is developed in every aspect of the project. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is a master of this medium, to the point where they have developed an entire musical universe. Each album is a unique immersive experience, but with enough distinct elements that the band is consistent and easily recognizable. Since their discography is huge (and I mean HUGE, they released 5 album in 2017 alone), I can only cover some of their material, but I think these two albums represent what I love most about the band.

Infest The Rats’ Nest

Infest the Rats' Nest

Infest The Rats’ Nest is by far my favorite thrash album; the narrative is crushing and perfectly complemented by some of the most heart-pounding instrumentation I’ve ever heard. I’m not usually a fan of the thrash subgenre, mostly because it tends to be overwhelming and headache-inducing, but King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard knows what they’re doing. The instrumentation is clean and concise throughout the entire album, with some parts even sounding symphonic, like they were composed by a heavy-metal Mozart. Along with this, the band is not afraid to experiment with a variety of instruments: many songs feature electronic glitches used to great effect, while they also employ choirs, microtonal instruments, and heavily distorted guitars. The entire sound of this album can be summed up as an army rising up in rebellion, it’s absolutely visceral. If the instrumentation wasn’t enough, the narrative of Infest The Rats’ Nest is just as gripping. The core message of the album is environmentalism (believe it or not), with the first half detailing a science fiction hellscape that used to be Earth, which is now decimated by climate change, plague, and poverty, while the rich have left to live on Mars. The second half of the album details the perils of an escaped spaceship of refugees looking for safety in the vastness of space. Both halves are equally well written and developed, but I especially love the environmental themes of the first half and how well they’re conveyed through the music. If you want to hear more of my thoughts on this great concept album, you can read my previous post here which dives more into the lyrics.

Murder of the Universe

Murder of the Universe

Murder of the Universe is an even more obscure hidden gem, and is even unpopular in the King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard fanbase. Many criticize the spoken word passages, the overall aesthetic, and some of the more experimental parts of the album, but all of these features make this one of my favorite albums. The first third of the album is a fantasy inspired nightmare about a man transforming into an Altered Beast, and from the first notes of the first track you know you’re in for a wild ride. I think this is one of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s most developed compositions, both thematically and musically. The entire narrative is incredibly cohesive and gripping from start to finish, with the listener experiencing pure chaos as the protagonist descends into madness. I also love how the main musical theme is developed throughout this portion of the album; just as the protagonist is altered into some monstrous beast, the musical theme is altered into a beast of its own, ultimately culminating in an explosive climax on the last track of this portion of the album.

The second third of the album is just as insane as the first, but now with a story featuring The Balrog and the Lord of Lightning. Again, this is an absolutely electric part of the album, with many of the same features that made the first portion so great: incredible musical motifs, fantasy storytelling that is dark and chaotic, and an overall aesthetic that is reminiscent of Greek mythology and epic battles. My only complaint is that this is the shortest section of the album and seems to be the least developed as far as the narrative concept.

However, the last third of the album makes up for what the second part was lacking in a narrative concept. Right from the start of the introduction track you can tell that there is something different; a monotone and robotic narrator welcomes the listener to “an Altered Future”, and suddenly you’re in a science fiction horror story, detailing the murder of the universe. This portion of the album follows the cyborg Han-Tyumi as he tackles what it means to be half-human, half-computer in the most unsettling and imaginative way. I can say without a doubt that this is my favorite part of the album, both because of how experimental the instrumentals are and because of how outrageous and mind-bending the story is. I don’t want to spoil the narrative, so all I’ll say is that it is a completely unorthodox take on artificial intelligence and what it means to be human, and could only be thought up by a band called King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. Overall, this is an incredible album that lives up to the high expectations of a concept album. It has something for everybody and is a testament to the versatility of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.