Preview: Study or Chicago? Study or Chicago?

Definitely Chicago. Take the night off from midterm studying and come and enjoy an Oscar winning film. You know you’re just going to cram and wing that test anyway. I’ve never actually seen Chicago, I know, that is really sad, but the University is holding their Oscar Winning Film Festival and they are playing Chicago. I’m really excited! I have heard some of the music, but don’t know any of the storyline.

Okay, okay, school does come first, but everyone needs a brake. Come on, you know you want to slack just a little bit (I know I do). Well if you decide to come out, Chicago is being played at the Michigan League in the Vandenberg Room at 7:00pm. Don’t be late!

P.S. FREEpopcorn and soda!

Where: Michigan League, Vandenberg Room
When: 7:00pm
What: Viewing of Chicago
How Much: FREE

I hope to see you there!

And as always,
This is Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer

Danny Fob

I'm a Junior in LSA majoring in Italian and minoring in Art History. I love writing for art[seen] because it gives me the opportunity to show all of these amazing shows that the University brings to Ann Arbor. We get some world class performers and I would be really bummed if I missed out on anything that I'll never have to opportunity to see again. What you need to know about me? I'm not a writer, an art expert, and I didn't grow up around this much culture. I am a busy student at UofM, so if you are judging me for something, it's okay because I won't have time to respond. I'll just keep seeing shows and you can be jealous!

8 thoughts to “Preview: Study or Chicago? Study or Chicago?”

  1. I can’t believe I’ve never seen this movie. I appreciate you bringing it to my attention – I love movies of all kinds and this seems to be one that would hold my interest – I loved in Chicago for a few years when I was in my early twenties. It’s wonderful to be reminded of those days.

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