PREVIEW: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

In the mood for a musical this weekend?  You’re in luck!  MUSKET is presenting The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee on March 25-27:  Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 8 pm, and Sunday at 2 pm.  All shows will be at the Power Center.  It’s the first time ever that this musical has been produced on campus–we’ve got some really ambitious performers in our midst!  It’s a Tony Award-winning, comical musical about 6 awkward adolescents competing in–you guessed it–a spelling bee, and the stakes are ridiculously high.  The original recording was also nominated for a Grammy.

Tickets are $7 for students, $13 for adults, available at the Michigan League Ticket Office.  It’s not sold out yet, but anything put on by the music school is pretty much guaranteed to be popular–grab a seat, and enjoy!