PREVIEW: Paris mon paradis

Monday, January 9th at 4pm in 1360 East Hall

What better way to take advantage of the brief lapse in homework before the semester really kicks off than going to see a French documentary? As part of the symposium film series “Women Visualizing Africa” they will show the new and highly acclaimed documentary, “Paris mon Paradis.” Directed by Elénore Yameogo, the film will be in French with English subtitles.

The film series’ newsletter writes, “The dream of a better life has often led Africans to immigrate to Paris, their paradise. As a symbol of the Occident, the French capital soon becomes a symbol of disillusion…Striking and emotionally truthful, Yameogo’s documentary is an abrupt awakening.”

The film is sure to be very thought-provoking and on an issue that is often overlooked. Hope to see you there!