Preview: Space Jam – Midnight throwback to the 90s


What? Space Jam

Where? The State Theater

When? Saturday 20 September, 11:59pm.

How Much? $7

Released in 1996, Space Jam is a fictional account of basketball star Michael Jordan’s first retirement from the NBA in 1993. Jordan turns to a successful career in baseball.

A group of criminal aliens, the Nerdlucks, are plotting to capture the Looney Tunes from Looney Tune Land hidden in the center of the earth to enslave them in the Nerlucks’ failing amusement park, Moron Mountain.

The Tunes, unthreatened by the Nerdlucks’ petite stature, challenge the aliens to a game of basketball. The Nerdlucks steal the talents of a number of famous basketball players, turning the tables on the Tunes.

In order to win the game, Bugs Bunny abducts Michael Jordan. Hilarity, wit a never-ending puns abound as the classic 90s cartoon characters battle the alien Nerdlucks with the help of the talented Michael Jordan.

I haven’t seen this film since it’s release. At that time I was likely 7 years old. Definitely looking forward to revisiting this lost 90s saga! Come join!