PREVIEW: RC Players presents Breaking News

Image created by Manami Maxted

We interrupt your daily routine of papers, Starbucks runs, naps, and Facebooking for this special report: The sleepy town of Hiddlesville is rocked with explosions, and everybody’s got something to say about it. And that’s just what the bombers want…

Skyler Tarnas, a junior in the RC, has written and directed a “tragedy-comedy about the comedy of tragedy” in order to comment on the ridiculously frivolous arguments made by television broadcasters in the face of tragedy. Watch as East Quad becomes the battle field for CNN-inspired brawls, laugh until you cry, and let emotions tangle and twist in this satirical genre-bending production.

What: RC Players Presents: Breaking News

When: November 21-23 (Friday and Saturday @ 8:00 pm, Sunday @ 2:00 pm)

Where: Keene Theater in East Quad

How Much?: Free!!!