PREVIEW: Space Jam

I am the kind of person who has no trouble re-watching the great classic movies. These movies have stood the test of time, and for me they never get old. I could watch movies like Singing in the Rain or the Wizard of Oz many times over without losing any fondness for them. That’s why this Friday at midnight I am ecstatic to re-watch another one these great American classics: Space Jam. For those who have not been fortunate enough to see this great film yet, it features Michael Jordan and the Looney Toons playing basketball for their freedom against the big alien brutes known at the Monstars. The movie is going to be shown both Friday and Saturday nights at State Theater. If you’ve seen this movie twenty times or have never seen it, I would suggest going. Most of us were too young to see Michael Jordan and the Looney Toons take on the Monstars on the big screen, so this is the perfect opportunity. According to the Facebook page, wearing a basketball jersey is encouraged! Get ready to jam!


Dates: November 20th & 21st at 11:59 pm

Location: State Theater; 233 S. State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104


For more information and to buy tickets:

Maximilian Darr

Maximilian is a senior in the School of Information. He is studying UX Design and is hoping to find a job soon. In his free time he loves to write, run, watch movies, and play video games