Preview: Writers’ Tea with Ross Gay

Ross Gay, the renowned poet and essayist, is coming to U of M’s Residential College. Writers’ Teas are held a couple times a semester and are largely attended by RC students, often majoring in the RC’s Creative Writing and Literature Program. I myself recently declared a second major in creative writing and, even before declaring, have always enjoyed the Teas. It’s a chance for students to share their work with each other and, occasionally, even with professionals! Like Thursday, March 9th at 7pm in the Benzinger Library when Ross Gay visits.

An author of three books- Against Which, Bringing the Shovel Down, and most

Photo Credit: Natasha Komoda
Photo Credit: Natasha Komoda

recently Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude– Ross Gay grew up in Levittown, Pennsylvania. He currently teaches at Indiana University. In addition to many nominations and honors, Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude is a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award this year. He is one of the founding editors of Some Call it Ballin’ (on online sports magazine), as well as being an editor for several chapbook presses. Outside of the literary field, he is involved in a free-fruit-for-all food justice project, Bloomington Community Orchard, as a founding board member. Check out his website to learn more about his many accomplishments and his writing: Ross Gay

I look forward to hearing Ross Gay read his work and talk about his journey as a writer. And to hear what my peers have been writing this semester!

Natalie Steers

Natalie Steers is pursuing a double major in English and Creative Writing as well as a Minor in Business. She's always had a passion for the arts and her favorite pastimes generally include practicing yoga, reading realistic fiction and fantasy novels, listening to NPR, drinking hot chocolate, and constantly reteaching herself how to knit.

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