PREVIEW: Young Fathers @ The Blind Pig

The pseudo-hip-hop group, Young Fathers, is coming to The Blind Pig on March 27th. I say pseudo-hip-hop because while they are more hip-hop than rock or pop or folk or another genre, Young Fathers are still very far from anything resembling mainstream hip-hop. They exist in their own genre of beat-driven, electronically fused, vocally soothing, and strangely dance-able sound. It’s the kind of music that makes you want to break out your best interpretative dance moves and jam and shake as if your heart is leaping from your chest and making quite the mess. Check them out here.

Young Fathers will be joined by HXLT and Captwolf. The doors will open at 9pm and tickets are $15.


KJ is a junior studying Mathematics and Creative Writing. She is entangled in the library system and desperate to break free. Her free time is spent staring at a wall. She felt obliged to write this bio.

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