PREVIEW: Margaret Atwood Reading

Brought to you by Literati, Margaret Atwood, winner of the Booker Prize, writer of more than forty books of fiction, poetry, and essays, beloved sci-fi author, is coming to Ann Arbor. If you’re anything like me, you’ll need a moment to breathe in order to not pass out. This Friday, she will be reading from her latest book, Hag-Seed, which is a retelling of Shakespeare’s Tempest, at Rackham Auditorium. Following the reading will be a signing. The event costs $30 but included in the ticket is a copy of Hag-Seed–unfortunately, tickets are sold out, so you’ll have to track down someone and convince them to sell you their ticket.


KJ is a junior studying Mathematics and Creative Writing. She is entangled in the library system and desperate to break free. Her free time is spent staring at a wall. She felt obliged to write this bio.

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