PREVIEW: Constellations

“Who knew that higher physics could be so sexy, so accessible—and so emotionally devastating?”

The description of this play doesn’t give away many details, but once I saw this line from a New York Times review of the play, which had a run on Broadway starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Ruth Wilson, I was hooked. I love science and I love the arts, and it just gets better when they’re combined.

Constellations is about two people and the infinite pathways their relationship could follow. It’s not my usual type of show, but it sounds incredibly intriguing. I am really looking forward to seeing it.

The show is being performed by the Theatre Nova (410 W Huron Street). Tickets ($20) are on sale here. The show runs from January 26 through February 18. Showtimes are 8pm on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and 2pm on Sundays.

Neha Srinivasan

I'm a landscape architecture master's student who's doing her best not to loathe her design software. When I'm not designing (what a broad word), I'm probably reading, listening to music, dancing Brazilian Zouk, or talking to my houseplants.

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