PREVIEW: Dance 100 Showcase

Dance 100 classes are having a showcase on December 8th. Dance 100 is a class for non-dance majors. There are usually more than six sections available per semester: hip hop, jazz, modern, modern with latino influences, ballet, etc. The classes are taught by graduate students in the UM School of Music, Theater & Dance.

Each section will have one performance choreographed by students. It is a really fun, low-pressure environment where you can celebrate your peers pursuing the arts in an encouraging environment.

Come cheer on your peers : )

Pictures from past performances and warmup.


Event Information:

Date: December 8th, at 2:30pm. Will last about an hour.

Location: Betty Pease Studio in the Dance Building (next to the CCRB)

Dance 100 Facebook page:

Minna W

Minna believes in three things: Milk chocolate. Happiness. Narratives are the way to people’s hearts and impactful solutions.

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