PREVIEW: Stories Never Told

This Friday I will be going to the multimedia exhibition Stories Never Told: Yemen’s Crises & Renaissance. This exhibit will be making its second stop in Ann Arbor with its first being at the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn Thursday evening. After this pilot, the exhibit will hit the road traveling to other parts of Michigan, the United States, and further. The exhibit is a mix of various mediums of art including visual, film, poetry, writings, and more centering around the Yemeni Crisis through the eyes of Yemeni citizens and the Yemeni diaspora. Stories Never Told is put together by Hanan Ali Yahya, a Yemeni-American social entrepreneur. Yemen has undergone a long and terrible conflict resulting in widespread famine and a refugee crisis. This conflict and the suffering of the Yemeni people has gone unnoticed by much of the international community despite international involvement such as Saudi Arabia bombing civilians with U.S. weaponry. Through this exhibit, the Yemeni community and diaspora are able to express their experiences with art and the written word and gain a voice in the communities that it reaches.

Image courtesy of the Global Islamic Studies Center.

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