PREVIEW: Ballet Preljocaj

Tomorrow night I will be going to see my first modern ballet performance, and I’m pretty excited. I’ve always loved dance, particularly ballet and the way it combines strength and grace into a single verb. However, I haven’t had much exposure to ballet. Every year we have a lovely production of The Nutcracker in my hometown, but I’ve never seen it. Seeing Ballet Preljocaj perform La Fresque is part of me deciding to expose myself to the beauty of ballet. Ballet Preljocaj was founded by Angelin Preljocaj, a French dancer and artist. The company operates out of France and performs pieces choreographed by Preljocaj who draws influence from his training in classical ballet and modern dance. For the performances Tuesday and Wednesday evening, Ballet Preljocaj will be dancing La Fresque, a dance inspired by a Chinese tale about a painting coming to life and the fantastical dimension that lies beyond. I can’t wait to see what dimension these dancers will lead me into.

Image courtesy of UMS.

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