This weekend Basement Arts, a student-run organization that provides a creative outlet for students interested in theatre, as well as FREE performances put on for students and Ann Arbor community members, will be performing “Comic Potential”, about a future where robots are performers, and one robot discovers that she can be funny. A writer discovers her and writes a comedy for her to perform. The show is not only described as being a comedy, but also includes elements of romance, and a unique perspective on the realm of entertainment and the human condition. Venture out to North Campus this weekend for some unique, free entertainment!
Who: Basement Arts
What: Comic Potential
Where: Walgreen Drama Center (1226 Murfin), North Campus
Studio 1
When: January 26-27, Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. (doors open at 6:45)
How much? FREE! 🙂