Review: Creation. Life. Legacy.

Metallic industrial, organic robotic, digital bug, fluttering verbs.

Form can sometimes be constricting, only allowing for certain expressions while disallowing others. While watching Merce Cunnigham Dance Company perform, I could not align what I was watching with any concrete words. How to translate a dance performance into a concise review seemed like a daunting task, but alas, I will do my best.

Merce Cunningham
Merce Cunningham

For those of you unfamiliar, Merce Cunningham is one of the most innovative choreographers of the last century. Spanning across genre and discipline, Merce Cunningham is perhaps most known for his longtime collaboration with partner and radical composer, John Cage, also working with fellow artistic visionaries such as Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein, and Warhol. The Legacy Tour honors Cunningham, who passed away in July 2009, as well as his 70 years of expansive work. Culminating in 2011 with the disbanding of the company, this is the last time his work will ever be performed and UMS was one of the lucky few locations to host the Company. (Check out this Merce Cunningham Interview)

The curtain was up before I had time to anticipate what was hiding behind it. Blinding spotlights on impossible elevation of cinderblock walls. Large green recycling bins and containers, exposed with sheet metal and wooden planks. As anyone’s guess, this was the natural look of the Power Center. My attention was drawn to an acrylic white court surrounded by luminescent astroturf as 4 dancers in steely athletic wear arched across space, while many others watched in the background.

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[V][S][A] Annual Đêm Việt Nam Culture Show 2011

It’s a night of Vietnamese culture.  It’s a night of dancing.  Most of all, it’s a night of great fun.

Saturday, January 29, 2011 was the night of Đêm Việt Nam, VSA’s annual culture show.  It was listed as a 7 pm show, and started promptly at 7:20 pm.  (Which, coincidentally, was exactly when I arrived – don’t try to park on Central when the folk festival is in town!)  This was the fourth Đêm Việt Nam show I’ve attended, and on Saturday night, I was delighted to see all the changes that have taken place since I started going.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m graduating, or if the effort was indeed larger this year, or a combination of both, but this 2011 show felt like a culmination of many years’ worth of work and publicity.

The first thing that struck me was attendance.  While the balcony of the Lydia Mendelssohn theater had been reserved for performers in years past, this year, it was almost full.  (It’s where I was sitting!)  The entire audience felt free to cheer for their friends on stage and converse with the emcees, giving the night a collaborative, comfortable atmosphere.  I could tell how much everyone onstage enjoyed and appreciated the energy from the crowd.

The show itself was bigger and better than ever, too.  One of my favorite segments was a dance that highlighted the way in which the Vietnamese have been influenced by Indian customs.  In a way, the night has always been a study of Vietnamese culture meeting and combining with culture in the United States, examining both the tensions and triumphs of living in a place where people from all over the world live and work side by side.  The addition of the Indian-inspired dance further explored the fluidity of cultures around the world.  The title of the show, “The Way We Are,” was especially fitting in this context.  In this day and age, nothing is static.

Speaking of collaboration, VSA had a lot of help this year:  CSN joined the women from VSA for a beautiful ribbon dance at the beginning of the show, and Element 1 joined in for the hip-hop portion of the evening.  The extra voices made the night even richer.

In addition to the new dances, all the old favorites were present on stage.  The traditional fan dance was energetic and well-choreographed, men and women danced together in Vietnamese garb, and B2Viet returned to showcase their boy band capabilities.  The highlight, as always, was the hip-hop segment, which is only getting longer and more popular as the years progress.  This year, there was even a song dedicated to breakdancing, which was an awesome thing to watch.  A fashion show closed the evening, showing off the traditional dresses that are so beautifully vibrant.  The hour and a half had passed by in a blur of color, music, and camaraderie.

Review: All Fried Up?

So yeah, The Friars. I’m not exactly sure how to say this, and it kills me to do so, but this show was not all we thought it would be. I had seen some stuff from the Friars before, and I’ve seen many of the other a Capella groups on campus, but this concert did not live up to my expectations or the level of talent of the other groups. It was really sad too, because the Friars have always been a really talented and entertaining group full of laughs and craziness with amazing voices. This year they do have very talented singers still, but there were fewer. And the show wasn’t as funny as in earlier years. Don’t get me wrong, we still enjoyed ourselves. The songs were still original and funny.

I think the main issue with the performance was that the group tried singing way too high. They needed to take a lot of the songs down at least an octave. There were so many songs that are song in a high pitch, but these guys all had low voices and sounded pitchy trying to reach the notes. Their voices cracked and they just needed to sing some lower keys.

There were some amazing parts though. The original songs were the best. They were funny and they were sung really well. “Facebook Me” to the tune of “Lean on Me” was really funny and we all laughed so much, plus they had one of the best singers solo for it. And then “We are the Nerds” based on “We are the World” was hilarious. We were rolling (not literally but it is a fun expression). The song is very clever and makes fun of nerds in the best kind of way. Another one that did the same thing was “How to Get a Life” sung to “How to Save a Life”. It was wonderful. Those were my favorite songs for the night because of their comedy and the talent of the soloists that sang them.

I’m sure the Friars will develop more as the year passes, they just hit a rough patch for this concert. I won’t stop supporting them; the Friars are a 55 year old Michigan tradition. It was a lot of fun and they raised a substantial amount of money for Dance Marathon and all of the Mott’s children that they support. As usual, I want to encourage everyone to go out to concerts, plays, performances, and other art events throughout the year. Relieve some exam stress, have some fun with friends, take a night off from partying, and go support some of your fellow students, colleagues, friends, and faculty. It’s a great time no matter what.

As always,
This is Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer

Preview: On the Friar(s)

he Friars are performing their 55th Annual Study Break Concert and I am going to be there. The Friars are a fun, energetic talented group. They are also very generous. 25% of proceeds tonight will be donated to Dance Marathon. And if you would like to help out a certain Art[seen] writer…go to the DMUM table and mention Team ZZ of LGBT Commission. $5 of the $6 that the ticket cost will go to our DMUM team. I would greatly appreciate it 🙂

Basically what you need to know for this one is

What? The Friars 55th Annual Study Break Concert
When? Tonight, Friday, December 3, 2010
Where? Rackam Auditorium
How much? $6 at the door or at MUTO

As always,
This is Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer

Review: Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán

I was waiting for this show for a long time and what a lovely evening it turned out to be!

First we were greeted with an excellent rendition of  “El pastor” by the cute and gifted Sebastian de la Cruz, (all of eight years old!), who was selected to be the best in his category in 2009 Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza Competition. My goodness, his yoddling was so awesome! If at eight, he can sing so well, just imagine what wonders he will do in the musical world when he grows up! The winner of the best female voice in the competition, Karenn Lazo dazzled next! She was all grace and her voice was so powerful!

Sebastien and Karenn performing

Next came the much awaited mariachi band, all spectacular in their costumes and the extravaganza began! What powerful voices & what energy!  What grace, what awesome stage presence! It was really something to be watching that! The songs kept coming one after the other and the strumming of the guitars, the exceptional violin playing, the awesome trumpets, the joking, the dancing  and the most beautiful combination of voices- it was just mindblowing!

I was so happy and grinning from ear to ear the whole time as the music was simply superb. There was so much of variety and so much going on. What clarity in their voices!  The energy and enthusiasm was so infectious- the band played non-stop for almost two and a half hours and it was a big party!

Some of my favorites in the show were “POR AMOR” (POR AMOR– watch this!),Vaqueros, hermoso cariño, Cielito Lindo Son Juasteco and this one- Por ti volare (you really must must see this!).

I was amazed at the multi-tasking of the members. One would come sing (do a lil jig too), and then go play the guitar or the violin and be a part of the chorus! My god- what stamina they must have! It was really a treat to watch them and at the end of the show, the performance had moved me to tears as the music touched me so deeply. I LOVE them!

The Mariachi Vargas band, courtesy UMS
The Mariachi Vargas band, courtesy UMS

The audience was amazing, singing along to most of the songs. In fact, many knew almost all the songs and the band gave a chance to a gentleman in the audience who did a great job (with José ‘Pepe’ Martinez jokingly trying to get the mike away as the singer sang the whole song!)

I was really very very happy after the show, one of the best I have ever seen in the Hill auditorium. This performance of Mariachi Vargas ranks really high in my all-time favorites! I hope I can watch another live performance of them sometime as this is definitely my kind of music! 🙂


It is time my friends, it is time to support the glory of the Midwest, and the uncanny ability for unique movement and visions to arise out of what outsiders only recognize as barren land.  My goal is to help bring to light the many wonderful things that happen here in little Ann Arbor and if you scroll down this page, you will see an opportune variety not afforded by many other places.

Ghostly International, a phenomenal record label started in Ann Arbor by U of M alum, Samuel Valenti IV, will be hosting a belated 10 year anniversary this Monday.  Founded in 1999, Ghostly evades definition, instead becoming a community for music lovers and innovators alike, that is redefining the way we think of a record label in the digital age.

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