REVIEW: CollegeHumor Live

Oh sheesh, y’all! ‘Twas a great show at the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase! First of all, the popcorn there is delicious (even Amir thought so). Secondly, Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld started the show off with reading embarrassing texts and dueling in an epic “rap battle, not a rap war” containing more bashing of Ohio than actual rapping, but I’m not here to complain. Thirdly, Streeter Seidell performed some stand-up comedy in spite of losing his voice, and described Candy Crush addiction in such a perfect way that I felt I connected with him on a spiritual level.

This whole experience was interesting for me because I had been a fan of CollegeHumor for many years, but lately I’ve been skipping over their videos in my YouTube subscription feed. I haven’t had much interest in watching the classic Jake and Amir bit, but seeing them perform live in that same style was very entertaining and exciting. The internet as a platform for creators and viewers produces a unique dynamic in which the people appearing in videos are not quite famous, but they are definitely recognizable in a way that most people are not. Watching Jake and Amir perform was almost like watching a celebrity perform live, and it brought new life to their sketch, especially when they made each other laugh. I’m a sucker for breaking character.

Streeter Seidell’s stand-up set was a nice change from the Jake and Amir duo, and seemed perfect for the atmosphere of the Comedy Showcase. (Side note: I had never been to a comedy club before. I’d seen them on TV and in movies, but had not once ventured downstairs into a dark room filled with tiny tables and a stage barely big enough for three people to move around comfortably.) This was real stand-up with Streeter’s glass of water and towel perched on a nearby stool and his arm resting on the microphone stand. He was comfortable on the stage and the audience was comfortable with him: gladly laughing with him as he observed and poked fun at some of the people sitting in the front row (I was in the second row, thank goodness). I’m not sure how long his set lasted, but it ranged from the too-happy employees of Zingerman’s to taking his dog out during hurricane Sandy, and I was laughing the whole time.

Looking back at the show (at the time I’m writing this it was only about an hour ago, but I’m looking back nonetheless), I’ve come to the conclusion that comedy is generally better with people to share it. Maybe part of the reason I stopped watching every CollegeHumor video was because it involved just me at my computer and not an audience of other people ready to laugh. The whole experience of going to a show and watching as performers got up on a stage with the sole purpose of making people laugh was new to me but I really enjoyed it, and I hope I get another chance to appreciate it.

PREVIEW: CollegeHumor Live

This Monday, November 18 at 8:00pm, Jake Hurwitz, Amir Blumenfeld, Streeter Seidell, and some more from the CollegeHumor gang are coming to Ann Arbor! They’ll be performing live at the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase, and there are still tickets available at the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase website. Tickets are only $15 for a night that’s sure to be filled with hilarity and entertainment. Whether you’re a fan of (like me) or if you’ve never heard of it before (you should check it out), you should definitely come out to see this one-night-only live comedy event!

REVIEW: Women’s Glee Club Fall Concert

Photo from A Night of Premieres Facebook event page

A night of premieres and a night of transitions, the Women’s Glee Club fall concert was fantastic. As a celebration of Hill Auditorium’s 100th anniversary, each song the club sang was composed or arranged in the year 2013, and the styles ranged from classical to operatic to pop.

The song choices were not the only demonstration of range in this concert, however, because there were little kids! Little, elementary-aged kids from the Ann Arbor Youth Chorale Descant Choir; older, middle school-aged kids from the Ann Arbor Youth Chorale Concert Choir; and even older, high school-aged girls from the Ann Arbor Huron High School Bel Canto Choir. It was a shocking, adorable transition when the Women’s Glee Club left the stage after a few opening songs and the tiny Descant Choir entered. Their first song, “The Path to the Moon”, remains one of my favorites of the concert because they all looked and sounded so adorable on the massive Hill Auditorium stage.

Each choir took the stage—getting progressively older, taller, and more mature voices—until we were back to the Women’s Glee Club, which proceeded to add another level to their program in the second act. A graduate student in the school of Music, Theatre, and Dance, the immensely talented Elizabeth Galafa joined the club as a soloist for a beautiful piece titled “BeNevel Vekinor”, which was composed by University of Michigan doctoral student Asaf Peres.

This one concert told a tale of the passion for singing that can span across decades of life. It just might be that some of the children who performed that night and heard the college students sing will be inspired to pursue music. Perhaps the next U of M graduate student studying voice or the next composer was sitting in the seats tonight after performing with his or her school choir. Concerts like this are important not just for the students who participate in them, but for the community to see and hear the talent that surrounds them.

Also, I can’t end this without saying that these women did a kick-ass version of the Bellas Final from Pitch Perfect. I mean it. Top notch.

Moral of the story: check out a Women’s Glee Club concert sometime, you guys.

REVIEW: The Olllam

The Olllam

Earlier this month, The Olllam performed at The Ark. What is The Olllam you ask? It’s funky, groovy, contemporary Irish music performed by Ann Arbor resident celebrities Tyler Duncan and Mike Shimmin, and a true Irishman himself John McSherry.  John McSherry is an internationally recognized traditional Irish piper and one of the most respected musicians of his trade. He teamed up with local musicians, some of who are alums of the School of Music, to put a fresh, up-to-date twist on sounds reminiscent of classic Irish folk tunes for their newest album.The instrumental album features eight tracks. Each is completely different, representing varying degrees of Irish-ness and electronic infusion. The group appeared in Ann Arbor as a segment of the trans-continental tour, including two weeks in Ireland, and two weeks in the mid-west at an Irish music festival (where they made a sweep of awards). It must have been a treat for the artists to perform in their home town, but really more of a treat for us! I have never heard such a unique and current sound. I am caught off guard by how much I like it- I never thought that Irish music would be my tune of choice when driving on the freeway!

I intended to post my article immediately after the show, but somehow the year started and things got busy…how did that happen? That being said, I have listened to the entire album every day since the show, so its as if a private performance has been perpetually playing in my ears. To get a listen yourself, check out their website. For a deeper insight into the creative process behind the music, watch this gorgeous short documentary on the history of The Olllam. Enjoy!

PREVIEW: Midnight Madness


Still need to do your holiday shopping? Great! This Friday night, November 30th, down town is open late! This is Ann Arbor’s version of Black Friday: all stores, galleries, and restaurants  have extended hours and huge sales. Some of the catchiest deals are 10% off at The Ann Arbor Art Center, 20% off everything at Crazy Wisdom, 20% off at The Himalayan Bizarre, plus several fitness bargains at places like Sun-Moon Yoga and Barre Bee Fit. Extended happy hours at most bars and discounts of certain dishes. Most stores are open til midnight, but get there before the best things are gone!

Some of the top art galleries/art shops to check out are The Ann Arbor Art Center, Falling Water, Four Directions, Ten Thousand Villages, ABRACADABRA Jewelry/Gem gallery, and Crazy Wisdom. Many stores will offer holiday snacks while you shop. For example, Downtown Home and Garden will be roasting chestnuts and The Ann Arbor Art Center will be hosting (un)Corked, a wine tasting hour in collaboration with The Produce Station (7 pm, purchase tickets in advance). Street performances will include Center Stage Quartet, Melissa Bruzanno, and U of M’s very own Element One break dance group and Women’s Glee Club. And, a likely performance from the wolf-masked man who often stands on the corner and plays the violin. Also, Santa will apparently be roaming the streets, but I think that element isn’t geared toward us college kids….

This is a very celebratory way to support the local economy, get your holiday shopping done, check out the art available down town, AND have a night out before finals.  Click here to get a full list of vendors and discounts. Whether on Main Street, Liberty, or Fourth and Fifth Avenues, you are bound to find some great deals!

PREVIEW: Theo Katzman opens for Vienna Teng at The Ark


Saturday September 29, 2012

Doors at 7:30, music at 8:00 pm

U of M School of Music alum and popular Ann Arbor singer-song writer Theo Katzman returns from his new home in New York City to open a show for Vienna Teng this Saturday at The Ark. The last time he performed in Ann Arbor was in August for the Sonic Lunch summer series which featured monthly musical performances in Liberty Square. On saturday he will be performing with Ann Arbor locals and School of Music student Joe Dart on bass and Julian Allen on drums.

About this weekend’s show, Theo Katzman said, “I love Ann Arbor and I love The Ark. It’s one of the only places where you can count on people to really listen. Ann Arbor has become a second home to me — I feel like its where I’m from.” And about starting off the show, “I’m honored to be opening for Vienna Teng. She’s an inspiring person.”

I say with confidence that Theo Katzman is one of my favorite musicians I’ve heard in the past….years. The last time I memorized an entire album was probably ‘NOW 4’ which I purchased circa 2000 and listened to devotedly. I’ve been playing Theo’s latest cd in my car on repeat all summer long and have all the songs memorized. Embarrassing? I’m not sure.

Here are some videos of songs from his album  Romance Without FinanceBrooklyn and and acoustic version of Every Few Days.Video work is done by the very creative  School of Art and Design alum Christine Hucal. I like dancing to the music she mixes in her videos in my free time. Some of my favorites include Crazy Secret Things and $itting at the Gan$ter Table. Check ’em out!

Julian Allen, Theo Katzman, and Joe Dart at Top of The Park 2011