Thanksgiving is the middle holiday between Halloween and Christmas, that most people choose to skip celebrating besides take the day off and eat food. As soon as Halloween is over people start decorating for christmas and wishing for snow. Most don’t go all out on decorating the house for Thanksgiving, but they do put a lot of effort into making the food. This year, instead of having no decorations when family comes over for Thanksgiving, decorate the house with fun last minute Thanksgiving decor.
An easy way to decorate for Thanksgiving is to just re-use your Halloween decorations. The best way to do this is to repurpose pumpkins. You can just keep mini pumpkins and gourds around the house and kitchen area as decor. The only pumpkins that won’t work for Thanksgiving is jack-o-lanterns. You can also take a pumpkin and gut it, then put flowers and other other decorations in the top of the pumpkins to create a centerpiece for your dinner table(pictured up top). You could also paint the pumpkins or paint some festive words on the pumpkin to create a more festive Thanksgiving environment.
A good craft that most people know about and children do in school is a
turkey made from a hand. Either by putting paint on your hand or by tracing it on a piece of paper and cutting it out, which makes the turkey’s body. Then, you cut out feathers from construction paper and staple or glue them to the hand/turkey body. There are other turkey crafts as well. You can make a turkey windsocks out of a can, paint, googly eyes, and streamers. You paint the can brown, and glue the eyes on. Then the last step is to glue long strings of confetti that hang downfrom the can. This also a nice decoration because you can put it outside so that others see your Thanksgiving decorations and get inspired. Another turkey craft that is fun and easy is a rock turkey. All you need is rock, feathers, and construction paper. There is two easy steps to make this: first you choose which side of the rock to be the front, and second you just glue the feathers on the back to stick up and the eyes and nose construction paper pieces on the front.
An easy way to decorate for Thanksgiving is to just decorate the house for the fall season. This is much easier because there are many options to decorate for fall, and many of the crafts only require leaves, which are very easy to require. One easy craft is to modge podge some leaves to a mason jar and put some candles in it to put on the table or throughout the kitchen and living room. Another easy leaf craft is to glue some leaves to a wreath made from twigs that you can put on any door throughout your house.
You can now take your Halloween decorations down and put up these new, fun, and easy decorations for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!
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