Ready for the World: New Philosophy

This week I talked with Dan Grafton, an undergrad in the Taubman School of Architecture. He had a lot to say about overworking, expectations, and allowing things to take time. Open House Chicago, which he referenced, is an annual architecture event that you can learn more about here.

Emily Considine

Emily is a third-year art student and aspiring illustrator who works in pen, ink, pencil, and paint. She makes "Ready for the World," a weekly comic interviewing students in the arts about their plans after college and the state of the art world right now. If you're anxious about the future, this comic is for you.

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1 Comment on "Ready for the World: New Philosophy"

5 years 3 months ago

Yes!! Your career path doesn’t have to be linear to be fulfilling! And being patient with yourself is the only way to survive a challenging degree program. Thanks for this!