
Photography by Wing-Chi Poon

I just wanted to jump on for a second as non-poetry Aina and extend a quick thank you for a great year of blogging on this website. I’m super grateful to Joe and arts,ink for this opportunity, and I’ve had the best time ever! I’m not graduating anytime soon, but I’m going to miss blogging over the summer so I wrote this piece titled similarly, interlude , as my last post for the semester, since we’ll be back in the fall! I can’t wait to be back and writing more poetry; it’s really reawakened my passion for it. Thank you for reading and sharing our passion for the arts! Have an awesome summer and stay safe 🙂



Hi there! My name is Aina and I'm a student at the University of Michigan. The arts have always been a huge passion of mine so blogging here couldn't be a more perfect opportunity. I've lived in Michigan all my life and find it so cool how there's a whole different world in a place I've known. I hope you enjoy all I have to contribute!

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2 Comments on "interlude"

4 years 9 months ago

Thanks for sharing your art this year, Aina! Really enjoyed reading your beautiful words❤️