2FA, or two-factor authentication, is both an amazing way to have that sweet, sweet additional layer of security and a nuisance that draws me out of my mindless routine of plugging in a password and username. As a whole, the process causes us to look elsewhere for confirmation and verification that yes, we are not a robot or a scam artist or someone who just happened to guess a random login correctly. I’d imagine that this process is typically automated since surely there’s not another person on the other side of the login screen waiting to send me a random keyboard smash (“dfghjk”) to verify my credentials. So, in a way, we’re speaking directly to the system by asking for access into a digital database and confirming our unique identity through providing a digital key. Even though this description barely scratches the surface, I’d say that all of this encryption and cybersecurity technology is super cool stuff to learn more about. After all, it’s only going to become even more prevalent in how we access digital spaces and store our personal information in both the present and near future.

Immersive #18: Verify Your Identity
Liana Lau is a business administration sophomore at the University of Michigan, who enjoys learning about innovative mediums and storytelling techniques. Her section Immersive is dedicated to disrupting the way in which we facilitate relationships in the digital era by exploring intimate narratives about life through unconventional storytelling mediums. Together, each piece seeks to challenge the way in which we communicate our thoughts and seek connection from others.
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