“Und ich warte zu lang in der Zelle” (“And I wait too long in the cell”)
I was trying to find a song in English to use for my blog this week after realizing that many of my recent posts have focused on German songs, but I struggled. I decided that I would simply pick another song in German, because the last thing I want to happen is for my Song Scribbles posts to become ingenuine, and ever since returning from Berlin I have been listening to overwhelmingly German music! This week’s song is “Augen-blick” by German gothic rock band Xmal Deutschland, and it is one of my favorite songs at the moment and has been for about a month.
“Es ist nur ein Moment, ein kurzer Moment….” (“It’s just a moment, a brief moment…”)
I’m writing this and looking out the window at a monochromatic gray sky. The rain has made Ann Arbor less cold than it has been recently, but it also looks ominous and gloomy… and eerily matches how I’ve been feeling today. I have an exam coming up later this week that I’m feeling anxious about, along with some technical difficulties I have been experiencing trying to access a practice exam. I feel like I have a lot looming over me, and with the added technical difficulties, I feel like much is out of my control.
“Und ich weiß tausend Hände, tausend Worte,” (“And I know a thousand hands, a thousand words,”)
The nice thing is that I know in a week this will all be behind me, so I need to hang in there and do the best I can for the time being. In the meantime, the only thing I can do is try to take a deep breath or two and trust that things will be okay. After all, what use is it to worry about something that I can’t control? It’s easier said than done, but worth a try, nonetheless. After all, in the words of Xmal Deutschland, “It’s just a moment, a brief moment.”
“Die nichts halten können.” (“That can’t hold anything.”)
While my schedule this week has remained surprisingly packed, I’ve also been able to sleep in and spend quality time with some friends. That being said, I’m looking forward to being done with my exam and having some more me-time next week… and hopefully some more sunshine!
“Die nichts halten wollen.” (“That don’t want to hold anything.”)
Listen to Augen-blick by Xmal Deutchland here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mx4XdWoPp4
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