Witness the Small Life – Battle Royale

All is fair in lunch and war!

As the great OK Go stated (more or less) twas a week full of upside downs and inside outs indeed! From beautiful skies to devious windchill, not only has the weather been a rollercoaster but so has my to-do list. It’s felt like I’ve simultaneously had nothing to do while having nothing to do and vice versa. I’ve been jumping from place to place every which way, but in between all of this commotion there’s been some great moments of rest, relaxation, and rollicking!

With our first full week back in the full swing of things, there were a few big moments! Most of all I had my work shown in my first college art show thank to the newly formed club The Stampede on campus. Whether you draw, paint, sculpt, write, or anything in between, consider submitting your work for their next show! It was amazing to not only see my work among so many other beautiful pieces but also talk to and celebrate with other art majors and non-art majors alike.

Some other highlights of this week: Celebrating my friend’s birthday with balloon guests and Spirited Away, (badly) playing a Tekken Tournament and singing along to YouTube karaoke with friends, and in general doing SO much more drawing everyday!

To take into our next week:

Ins: Telling people you think they’re awesome, the color green, admitting defeat (in a cordial manner), mismatched socks, Wisconsin cheese, using the word awesome!

Outs: Impulsive spending, forgetting to floss, watching really bad TV shows just to have something on in the background, chipping at nail polish, forgetting to bring a hat on really cold night walks home from the library.

Happy (or not so happy) Daylight Savings to you all and let us all hope for some more permanent blue skies ahead of us!

Mia Lambert

Mia Lambert (aka miabiapia) is an art student at the University of Michigan. Coming from the wondrous art communities of Minneapolis, Minnesota, she's hoping to share her work focused on identity, dreams, and the beauty of humankind. Her blog, Witness the Small Life, encourages herself and viewers to pay attention to the moments in our days that make our lives rich with stories and connections. In her (little) free time, Mia also deejays on Umich's student radio station WCBN and writes and draws for the Gargoyle on campus. An avid CD collector, crappy chickflick aficionado, and lover of everything kitschy. Instagram: @miabiapia Email: mialamb@umich.edu

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3 Comments on "Witness the Small Life – Battle Royale"

AJ Dagenais
10 months 14 days ago

OK GO REFRENECE??? They’re one of my favorite bands!

Natalie Albrecht
10 months 19 days ago

I love how dynamic, bright and bubbly this piece is! Happy daylight savings to you too. I have only just begun to recover my sleep schedule, unfortunately haha