Critter Comix Week Thirteen!

Text:” I’ve been so sad recently. I dont really know whats wrong. Theres no reason at all for why I’m feeling this way.”



The weather today really thew me off. But to any out-of-state students, dont get your hopes up. It’s a false spring and it’ll mostly likely get cold again in a week or so. Enjoy the sunlight though! go take a walk.


Hello! I am a current freshmen who's focusing on mostly STEM stuff for my actual major. So this blog is me giving myself an opportunity to express myself creatively! I have always loved art, and even if I'm not pursuing it as a career, I plan to do it for the rest of my life. I make little slice of life comics about my silly characters. I base them based on me, my friends, and even just strangers who have made a lasting impression. I use procreate! Always trying to improve my art.

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1 Comment on "Critter Comix Week Thirteen!"

1 month 1 day ago

This weather has been so unpredictable! I’m back to the top image already!