Me and my friend had this conversation right in the middle of “Memory” and I’m pretty sure we made everyone around us…very angry. This also may not be the last time I make a comic about “Cats” (2019) so. Get ready for that.
Author: MargeMakesComics
Marge Makes Comics #19: Cheesy Ending
Cheese making videos are so…relaxing…it’s the curd-cutting, man.
Marge Makes Comics #18: Not Quite a Comic But Definitely a Plug for Helicon
This is more of an illustration than a comic, but! Ya know!!! Sometimes you’re cowboy. And sometimes you center your IP (integrative project see here) around cowboys until you become cowboy.
On another note! If you want to see some more cowboy/girl/bug drawings of mine, please come to the Helicon student exhibition “Spilt Milk”! The Helicon student shows are always a super fun way to get involved with the art scene on campus, I’ve been submitting work to their student shows for three years now and it’s always a blast. Come on down to 101 West Liberty st. from 8-11 pm tonight to check out this show!
Marge Makes Comics #17: “Maurice”, Dedicated to a Happier Year
Thinking about Maurice and the ways we hope for a better future.
Marge Makes Comics #16: November Has Come
Hey Guys! November sucks real bad but it doesn’t have to. Well, it may still suck but you can still make it to the other side.
Marge Makes Comics #15: Halloweenie Recs
Hey! It’s Marge! I hope y’all had a good Halloween+Halloweekend. If you wanna keep the good spooky times rolling, checkout some of these quick and dirty recommendations for a guaranteed spooky and silly time. What kinds of media do you guys turn to in the spooky season? Are there any movies I should check out in the future?