Life is ever changing. For a college student this can range from studying for an exam, taking an exam later, drinking wine with friends, and going to an arts event all in the same day. We are supreme, multitasking beings. Extremely impressive, if I do say so myself.
Tonight I was accompanied by one of my finest, most admired friends to the one-year celebration of the opening of the new wing in UMMA.
The night was filled with the two food groups of sweets and fruit, through decadent cupcakes and bananas. While my friend and I shared cupcakes, we spoke with other museum connoisseurs about art and life. We got away from our technological devices for a few hours and enjoyed the company of each other.
Art has that effect on people. It removes them from their daily, sometimes ordinary lives and takes them into a new world filled with culture, conversation and yummy treats.
The basis for museums is education, but also entertainment. Your eyes are opened to not only art, but also society.  Museums are vital to our sociological continuum. They are the thread that pulls history to the present day and the future.
Their importance is humble. It fosters relationships between community members, while asking little in return. They are an ever changing valuable resource that should be appreciated.
Tonight I will leave you with this message. Immerse yourself in the museum.