Critter Comix Week Ten!

Dialogue: “Wow!!”
“Those are the hottest dogs I’ve ever seen!!”

I really really enjoy the dynamics between these two, I think they’re a really fun combo. The logistics of this one are a little odd, but its not like hot dogs are made of real dogs, I guess. My friend gave me the idea for this one while we were studying. (Good luck with any exams! Seems like everyone has a lot right now.)

Crooked Fool: How an artist survives the end of the world

In the morning before first light, they kneaded the covers with their legs, freeing themselves to roll onto the floor with gentle sureness. Eyes still closed, they rolled their body around on the cool wood, bending into joints, slip-sliding around, rolling over themselves, dancing horizontally until they felt stretched, released, ready to adapt and mold to whatever came their way. Then they finally blinked their eyes open, the rolling and stretching having worn the sleep away. They rose to their feet and walked downstairs. In the kitchen, they put on a pot of coffee and their favorite music. They hummed and half-danced until they could pour the black liquid into a mug, adding plenty of milk and some hot chocolate mix, because they damn well weren’t going to miss out on the sweetness. Cup in hand, still taking piping hot sips, they clumsily wrapped themselves in a thick blanket and stumbled down the stairs to the basement. By now, they could hear footsteps above them as the rest of the household started to stir. They knelt on concrete in front of a makeshift altar and just stared, breath suspended, cup clenched in hand. Then breath drew in ragged and ribs expanded again. Life filled body. Grief sighed out. Eyes glided and stopped on a photograph, then another, and another. Somehow each person on that altar was everywhere while simultaneously being wholly gone. A bow of the head. A lump in the throat. A zing of caffeine in the fingertips. And the day begins. They dress in their favorites because they can. In a bit their chosen family will pile into their living room to share food. And while they claim joy in sustenance, they will plan their survival, their safety, their freedom. And then they will take to the streets, maybe quietly, maybe screaming to be heard. Both can be dangerous. And after a day of reclaiming their place, and even if they lose another, even if they are bruised and bloodied, they will gather in yet another house to dance, talk, cry, and tell stories until their bodies tire out. More food will be shared. Maybe they’ll go home to their sanctuary. Maybe they’ll slide down and curl up where they are, in community, insisting on survival again.


These small, gull-winged craft, once designated as strike bombers, found new life as exploration and research vehicles in the wilderness of 234.4a.c. Their extensible payload capacities–owing to the large available volume under their wings–were ideal for long expeditions where pilots often had to be largely self-sufficient in remote regions. This particular craft sports the matte green and yellow livery and insignia of the Concord Corps of Exploration.

~Sappy Daze~ Day 15

The First of Many Love Poems 

We should make love in a bed 
of ticklish holly and narcissus; 
that way our child will be joyful
-ly lacking your lack of self-esteem.

I wish you could see how I see you, 
especially with my rosy forget-me-
not tinted irises. That way you’ll know 
our time together has & will always grow 
eternally, though our bodies age annually.

- Sappy