Cyrene’s New Character Sheet

Read more: Cyrene’s New Character Sheet

The above’s the new one, the bottom’s the old one. I changed her hair dye from white to blonde because I planned another character with dyed white hair and didn’t want to seem repetitive. I also added more punk elements to her clothes. I’m particularly proud of the studded artist gloves and the additional details to her black tattoos. I also switched up her eye shape.

Anna Hakala

I’ve decided to make another character in my world.

Read more: Anna Hakala

My general concept was Cyrene’s tall cousin who turns into a mermaid. I really like her mounds of fluffy pink hair and I envision her mermaid form to have bioluminescent lights all over. She gets a mermaid thigh tattoo and her color scheme is pink and black. I want to make her seem more approachable than Cyrene. I’ll continue to workshop her design and how similar/apart it should be from Cyrene.

Fake Cover Design

This is my fake cover design for my hypothetical book on my writing minor capstone website:

Here’s my design/concept sheet:

I wanted to do something realistic fiction-ish and intimate, like a snapshot into the lives of a bunch of odd people. I settled on a photograph-like image that highlights the height differences of the main cast. I kept Lias’s eye colors and floating orb because I want to hint at the fantastical nature of the story. Poor Hima got nearly her entire head cropped.


Imagine this: Skinless ghost villain dressed in a white suit and who can control rose vines. That’s Illy!

Read more: Illy

This is my attempt in learning how to draw roses.

Her outfit is based off Julia Cotton’s from Hellraiser 2, and Mark Twain. I like the idea of bandages trying to keep out not only blood, but flowers. I think I’ll take the rose vest over the tie and regular vest. When Illy goes unhinged, I imagine she both bleeds through the bandages, and her thorns and roses grow through the fabric

Enola Outfits

Enola is the most challenging to design for out of all the main characters. She’s a simple gal, but everyone else’s designs are more complicated, and that risks making her seem less interesting. Here are some outfits I’m trying out.

I think Enola would like those stupid novelty t-shirts and jorts, so I tested that out. Next is a classic tye-dye green hoodie and hiking pants. The last two are me testing a ‘battle outfit.’ Bulletproof vest + long coat + cape, all intended to be waterproof. I like the battle outfits, but I need better default casual wear. More experiments are needed.