Hello, and welcome back to Captured Moments! In this post, I include pictures from my last day in Ann Arbor until next semester!

I captured this image, and immediately loved how it turned out. Connecting to music, I reflect back on my time when I went inside the Michigan Theater and watched a performance from the Pops Orchestra. Music will always be an integral part of my life, whether I listen, play, or share.

I always think of sunsets when I play music, as they are very beautiful. Just looking at a sunset will help me feel relaxed and calm, just like when I play music. The pink hues from the sunset and the streetlights starting to light up, is such a wonderful view. When I captured this image, it serves as a reflection image to my freshman year of college.

My flight back home was the next day, and I captured this image to capture the clouds. It was a very beautiful view back home!
I hope you enjoyed reading my posts, and have a great Summer!
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