Sunshine? Rain? Wind? Snow?! What a week its been! In between my commutes from my dorm to Stamps to Hatcher to (my favorite place on campus) the Union, I’ve seen a whole year’s worth of seasons pass by sometimes in just one day! And I though last week was crazy enough. Mind you, as a Minnesotan I’ve seen my fair share of uber-chaotic weather but these past seven days may have just taken the cake. From donning sunny summer skirts to considering busting out my knee-length winter jacket, I have fully exhausted all the capabilities of my wardrobe.

In terms of the big and small of this week, it’s been mostly a lull. Loads and loads of work sprinkled between some down and up time has meant many a late nights huddled in library corners. Most notably this week I have been especially grateful to know as many people as I do on campus and most importantly feeling like I can say hi to most every one of them. At the beginning of the year my most fear-ridden task was actually going out and meeting people. It was hard at times, but once you commit to going out and doing something you’ll have a high chance of getting to know a great amount of amazing people. I encourage everyone out there to at least do a little wave to an acquaintance or two you see on your commute to class. It makes everyone feel loved! And when does the world ever stop needing some love in it?
To take into our next week:
Ins: Working in the Hatcher stacks, sappy 00s ballads, cabbage, taking walks even if you could bus it, Faygo, going to random events even if you’re nervous (you never know what’ll happen!), appreciating really good typography.
Outs: Not breaking in your shoes the right way, only having a really big umbrella and a really small umbrella, rude bus drivers, falling asleep with headphones on, using way too much dry shampoo.
Here’s to warmer weather (knock on wood!) or at least more consistent weather! No more juggling games of sweaters, umbrellas, hats, oh my!
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