Above: the above-ground operations and communications branch of one of the mining facilities located on the asteroids orbiting HKC 2901 d. Operations are segmented into three major bays; twin prismatic structures jut out of a sleek, flat spine, each overseeing their side, with the center having its own dedicated hub. The heart of the facility lays beneath the surface, a vast sprawling network of mechanical arteries and veins pumping out raw ores of precious metals.

Capturing Campus: Nosebleed

Content warning: mentions of blood, profanity


I see red

smell pennies

am I bleeding out 

my nose

or just my eyes 

adjustments are needed

contact lenses or otherwise

I’m woozy

walking somewhere

my legs will carry me there

there is where i will go

I don’t know where  

the world’s blurry

behind fluid-tinted glasses

how funny it is 

that my body can’t contain itself

in lungs or lifeblood

the capacity to

spill over the side

and to want to

pluck reds from strawberry bushes

bell peppers come from bushes too

but you don’t see people picking them

because who’d eat a bell pepper

when life’s dripping

and you’re bleeding all over the fucking carpet

~Sappy Daze~ Day 4


I like to swear. I swear 
I’m not bad or uncivilized.
I swear I’m a proper lady.

I swear on my life.

Hear me out: a knight who does not swear
is no knight. All knights must swear an 
Oath of Fealty for chivalrous conduct.

Here’s my oath: Oh my Lord, 
sweet Jesus Christ: I swear to 
you. Hear that? I swear to God!

I swear I only swear to prove that.

- Sappy

A Side of Sketching – Ramen Noodles

One of the biggest draws to Ann Arbor is the food- the city is home to hundreds of restaurants and is a huge center for culinary diversity. This week, a few friends and I decided to try a restaurant that none of us had been to before. We headed to the south side of campus and wandered briefly before deciding on Lan City Noodle Bar. The restaurant had very modern decor, and two of the walls were lined with floor-to-ceiling windows that let in abundant natural sunlight, both of which made for a very bright and serene environment. My friends and I all ordered different dishes (similar to the one I drew below) and we enjoyed taste-testing all of them and comparing flavors! This was my first time trying a new, non-chain restaurant since I moved to Ann Arbor a few months ago, and I’m really looking forward to trying more local restaurants throughout the rest of the school year! It’s a very fun break from doordash and dining halls : )

Capturing Campus: Recipe from Hell

Recipe from Hell


1 garlic clove

5 sesame seeds

4 snake eggs

2 tbsp sage

1 fingerbone


Mash the clove 

Grind the sesame seeds

Crack the snake eggs

Whisk until incorporated

Crush the fingerbone finely

Sprinkle bone dust and sage into the mixture

Whisk vigorously until the souls of your enemies cry out

(from beneath the floorboards)

Bake until golden brown, or until the angels weep at your feet

Leave to cool in the center of your pentagram

Allow the hellfire erupting from the ground to crisp the edges

Dig in!