All I wanna know is are Timmy and Tommy considered essential workers??? Aren’t they, like, 10 years old??? Anyway, here’s a comic about Animal Crossing: New Horizons as an accidental pre-corona life simulator.
Tag: comics
Marge Makes Comics #28: The Winter of Mixed Drinks, Ten Years Later
CW: reference to suicide, drowning
Celebrating Scott Hutchison’s life, Frightened Rabbit, and the 10th anniversary of The Winter of Mixed Drinks. Spring’s here y’all, let’s make the most of it.
Marge Makes Comics #27: Tunes to Self-Isolate to
Late Comic Sorry!!!! Hope you like the ‘toon tunes!!!!
The Left Hand of Darkness (comic)
The Left Hand of Darkness is a pretty good quarantine book, and a greenhouse is a pretty good quarantine book club spot, as it turns out. Hope everyone is staying safe out there!
Marge Makes Comics #26: Like Genuine Despair
Hey guys. The recent developments on and off campus regarding COVID-19 have been tearing me apart lately. I’m scared for my family and friends and I’m torn between feeling lucky and grateful that I can go back home to be with my family and angry and devastated for my friends, for my classmates, for the world, for myself. Taking the time to mourn lost time is important. Take time and take action. Stay safe out there, be kind and be careful.