Marge Makes Comics #28: The Winter of Mixed Drinks, Ten Years Later

CW: reference to suicide, drowning

Celebrating Scott Hutchison’s life, Frightened Rabbit, and the 10th anniversary of The Winter of Mixed Drinks. Spring’s here y’all, let’s make the most of it.


Marge is an art and writing student with a passion for talking about movies at people. She also loves chilling in the arb, comics, and collecting weird little cat figurines from Vault of Midnight. Purchase her work here:

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3 Comments on "Marge Makes Comics #28: The Winter of Mixed Drinks, Ten Years Later"

4 years 5 months ago

beautiful – this was also first album I heard – and it felt as it was just for me – thanks for creating this <3

Philip Van Munching
4 years 6 months ago

Oh, Marge; this is so beautiful. I’m a little on the other end of the spectrum, in that a friend introduced me to FR as I turned 50…and was sure that I’d never again have that moment of discovery; that experience of finding a band that made me feel…understood, somehow. Managed seven shows, and would have seen dozens more. I was also gutted when Scott died, and was unable to listen to his voice for months. Now it’s with the same mix of sadness and hope that it sounds like you’re experiencing. Thank you so much for this. ❤️

4 years 6 months ago

heartbreaking how the art we know in one way change as the world around us does. And like you said, a formerly joyful piece can become heartbreaking.