Witness the Small Life – Cold Comforts

We’ve made it… the bend-and-COLD!-snap!!! Do we ever really feel alive unless we can’t feel our eye sockets anymore?

In honor of the frozen weather, I’ve been appreciating all the accessories and layers in my life that keep me functioning from sun up to way past sun down. As someone born and raised in the flux of deadly winters and chilling winds I’ve always had a plethora of hats, gloves, scarves (you name them) every since I was a kid. I think most people can look back to their favorite pom-pom hat or various kitten mittens in fond childhood memories traipsing around in the snow and sledding over death-defying hills. Although I’ve lived in the cold for the majority of my life, I can never ever get used to it. I blame it on my eczema or my penitent for tank tops or anything else I can use as an excuse but no matter what I do in a mere 2 minutes my teeth are chattering all the way home. Because of this, I’ve been giving extra thanks to the scarves that swaddle me and the hats that flatten my bangs a little too much. Each of them carry a piece of a past self or a loved one who cared enough about my warmth to make or gift me a little something that could carry comfort through a chilly walk home. Fabrics found by my roommate’s mother, hats passed down to me from my boyfriend’s family, and even skills shared to me from my grandma and cousin are woven into each hat, scarf, and mitten I wear. The next time I’m outside (which will be far too soon) I can feel a little bit warmer knowing the love and care I have with me as I scurry through yet another icy wind storm.

To take into our next week:

Ins: Chamomile tea (always), muted purples, actually interesting text books, aloe vera, hair pomade, perfectly fitted hoodies, overalls, a solid hug.

Outs: Nails that are too long, scorching soup, weird hoods on winter jackets, gel eye masks, ignoring when your feet are too sore, eating one too many anchovies straight out of the tin.

I hope everyone is bundling up in their favorite mittens and gators and earmuffs galore as we all try to survive these next few days of tundra. I task you all with finding and appreciating one another’s fanciful winter accessories as there are too few days when we get to wear all of them all at once!

Witness the Small Life – Food for Thought

“If food be the music of love, cook on!” -Me misquoting Shakespeare

If there’s one thing that gets me through my arduous days, it’s the thought of coming home to create some wacky elaborate meal made from ingredients collected on my way home and whatever we have left in the fridge. If there’s one way to my heart, its through food! Whenever I eat anything I turn into that one scene from Ratatouille when Remy gets his grubby little paws on some cheese and strawberries and shapes and colors burst from his head. The ability to create something so joyous that the only way to enjoy it is through pure tactile experience is just impeccable to me.

Recently, I’ve been going out of my way to learn new recipes and kitchen technique to elevate my love for not only eating but for cooking. As a kid I learned how to cook the ready to eat meals from our freezer and pantry because I wanted to learn how that kitchen magic happened. From then I started to experiment more in my cooking endeavors with adding a dash of a sauce here and there or testing out if I could replace milk with heavy cream to make a boxed mac and cheese better (from my experience the answer is yes). As a college student on a quite tight budget I’ve had to get even more crafty with my substitutions and additions in my meals. Although I spend much of my day creating pieces for my studio classes and stretching the limits of my mind, I find the creativity I exert in my cooking process to be a very freeing form of expression outside of my artistic practice. I love being able to make something that can not only nourish my body but also my mind and my creative spirit. Being able to share this creation, whether it be with my family or my roommates, also feeds my happiness just as much. I never really considered food and cooking to be an artistic form, or at least I never really thought too much into it, but reflecting on my relationship to cooking has made me realize that it’s just as much an artistic practice as the work I do in the studio. There’s so much skill, wisdom, problem-solving, and love that gets put into the act of cooking that I feel I often forget about but still experience every time I cook. I feel so lucky on the days I’m able to be in the kitchen making something that makes me happy. The kitchen truly is the heart of a home as I think back to all the memories created through cooking with or just standing around and talking amongst loved ones. Even if you’re not a fan of cooking, I hope you’re able to still find joy in this special act of creation and sharing.

To take into our next week:

Ins: POTATOES!!!!, fermentation, layering like an onion, a cheesy sense of humor, having an adventurous palette, flexibility and not being afraid of a little substitution.

Outs: Not dressing up for a halloween party (you know who you are), upturning your nose at unfamiliar things, stirring the pot a little too much, being a pot and calling the kettle black, having more than your fair share.

Compliments to the chefs in the audience and I hope you didn’t mind my corniness too much in this week’s entry ;P

Industrious Illustrating #28 – Character Concept Sketching 2

Truth be told, I’ve been having a hard time maintaining a regular regimen of drawing at least partially because I feel like I’m clocking in to a day of grueling work every time I sit down to draw. It’s a feeling I have to continuously deal with if I want to continue developing and monetizing my art as an illustrator, but I haven’t found a good remedy aside from drawing self-indulgently and not worrying too much about what the final drawing looks like. As a result, this week I have more quick character concept sketching to share.

The above character, Wenet Tozawa, is another character in “Blade of Seafoam”‘s post-apocalyptic world. I still need to develop her backstory more and draw out her full design, but here’s the character description I currently have written down for her:

“A traveling medic known for her ability to regenerate the sick and injured almost to the point of giving them new life. She’s apparently close friends with Rashida, though the history of their relationship is unclear to outsiders.”

I’m planning on developing and showing off more character designs from “Blade of Seafoam” soon, so look forward to that if you’re interested in seeing my character designs!


With final exams around the corner, now is the time of year that students are the most stressed.  There seems to be no free time during exam season, and the little free time that you do have is spent studying in the library.  There are some easy and fast ways to relax that will also destress you, which is perfect for exam season.

One easy way to relax that you can do in between studying, or even if you take a 10 minute break from studying is to create a pattern to draw all over a page.  You pick one design (bubbels, diamonds, spirals, etc.) and you fill the page with it. This allows you to focus on one thing while you take a break from studying, so your brain is not swirling around thinking about everything else you have to do before the end of the year.  It allows you to put all of your focus on this one task, which can be very relaxing because you are not stressing about anything else. This is also a great relaxation task because you don’t have to finish in one go. You can continue the doodle everytime you take a small study break.

Meditation is also a great way to relax and de-stress.  It is a great way to clear your mind and to make your body less tense.  Meditation can also be done during a study break, or it can be done in the morning when you wake up and at night right before you go to bed.  This way you start and end your day relaxed and on a positive note. There are many ways to meditate and different ways work for different people.  A popular tool is the mindfulness app, it is great for beginners and will walk you through many different medications. It also has meditations for different situations, like not being able to fall asleep.