Speech from head to toe / The details entice the eyes / Show what’s within you
Speech from head to toe / The details entice the eyes / Show what’s within you
Alternative Transportation
As a child
colors dissolved
and speckles of magic
I waited for something
to take me away from here
But nothing did
so I held up a mirror
and imagined I’d fallen in
to a world opposite this one
grass grew from the sky
clouds like slippers
teary eyed turned upside
anger was to satisfy
a vendetta paid in full
My friend gifted me a book
empty pages and a burn building
in a chest beating
for a richer life
where pain isn’t pleasure
where people mean what they mean
where I’m far away
but home
yes, home
The Right Way
I could tell myself
I’m right
but there is no way to know
how I was meant
to turn out
the beliefs
the hurt
a mind in mutiny
the inside suffering
indoctrination until opinions
become ghosts
untouched and unfelt
preaching reason and absurd escape
packing the mind until stuffed and bursting
with hard-to-hear thoughts
was I meant to be this way
or did circumstance
bend me
into a familiar shape
Thread of connections
Weaving your thoughts for display,
What are you saying?
dichotomous nothing
the air bleeds
honey cough syrup
stirred by a Southern wind
winding ribbons around the soul
symphonies around suffering
boxed up in pairs
sweet like pears
the taste of bitters on my tongue
lick the surface of starving minds
tired bones buried
in the earth
dormant dead and dusted
dreaming of something better
than sallow skin
bone marrow chipping in
to make days of dichotomous nothing
will there ever be something
Content Warning: Mentions of suicide, abusive relationships
I’ll meet you there
I’ll climb down to hell
with its flat plains and dry heat
to reach you
not to save you
but to die there with you
I’ll swallow what I’m drowning in
and find you at the bottom
a swollen face
apart from vitality
I’ll fill a bathtub to the lip
feed the wire three feet
into the socket
on the other side
of bubbles and brutal force
track my end in beats of five
on the railroad
until the engine begs
and I spill open
on the grass
I’ll kick my feet
to tighten the rope
a necklace just for you
a party favor
that never loosens
I’ll host the funeral service
an open casket
for all to see
a blackened pit
and the soul
you never took from me